![PLAY: PPLUS | G Spot u P Spot Bar.](http://www.bedgeek.co/cdn/shop/files/steelstick__DOF2_00000_{width}x.jpg?v=1706784101)
![PLAY: PPLUS | G Spot u P Spot Bar.](http://www.bedgeek.co/cdn/shop/files/steelstick__DOF2_00000_{width}x.jpg?v=1706784101)
![PLAY:PLUS | G Spot and P Spot Bar - bed geek](http://www.bedgeek.co/cdn/shop/files/steelstick__take_7_00000_{width}x.png?v=1706784101)
![PLAY:PLUS | G Spot and P Spot Bar - bed geek](http://www.bedgeek.co/cdn/shop/files/steelstick__take_7_00000_{width}x.png?v=1706784101)
![PLAY: PPLUS | G Spot u P Spot Bar.](http://www.bedgeek.co/cdn/shop/files/steelstick__DOF1_00000_{width}x.jpg?v=1706784101)
![PLAY: PPLUS | G Spot u P Spot Bar.](http://www.bedgeek.co/cdn/shop/files/steelstick__DOF1_00000_{width}x.jpg?v=1706784101)
![PLAY: PPLUS | G Spot u P Spot Bar.](http://www.bedgeek.co/cdn/shop/files/steelstick__take_1_00000_{width}x.jpg?v=1706784093)
![PLAY: PPLUS | G Spot u P Spot Bar.](http://www.bedgeek.co/cdn/shop/files/steelstick__take_1_00000_{width}x.jpg?v=1706784093)
![PLAY: PPLUS | G Spot u P Spot Bar.](http://www.bedgeek.co/cdn/shop/files/steelstick__take_2_00000_{width}x.jpg?v=1706784094)
![PLAY: PPLUS | G Spot u P Spot Bar.](http://www.bedgeek.co/cdn/shop/files/steelstick__take_2_00000_{width}x.jpg?v=1706784094)
![PLAY: PPLUS | G Spot u P Spot Bar.](http://www.bedgeek.co/cdn/shop/files/steelstick__take_3_00000_{width}x.jpg?v=1706784093)
![PLAY: PPLUS | G Spot u P Spot Bar.](http://www.bedgeek.co/cdn/shop/files/steelstick__take_3_00000_{width}x.jpg?v=1706784093)
![PLAY: PPLUS | G Spot u P Spot Bar.](http://www.bedgeek.co/cdn/shop/files/steelstick__take_4_00000_{width}x.jpg?v=1706784095)
![PLAY: PPLUS | G Spot u P Spot Bar.](http://www.bedgeek.co/cdn/shop/files/steelstick__take_4_00000_{width}x.jpg?v=1706784095)
![PLAY: PPLUS | G Spot u P Spot Bar.](http://www.bedgeek.co/cdn/shop/files/steelstick__take_5_00000_{width}x.jpg?v=1706784096)
![PLAY: PPLUS | G Spot u P Spot Bar.](http://www.bedgeek.co/cdn/shop/files/steelstick__take_5_00000_{width}x.jpg?v=1706784096)
![PLAY: PPLUS | G Spot u P Spot Bar.](http://www.bedgeek.co/cdn/shop/files/steelstick__take_6_00000_{width}x.jpg?v=1706784095)
![PLAY: PPLUS | G Spot u P Spot Bar.](http://www.bedgeek.co/cdn/shop/files/steelstick__take_6_00000_{width}x.jpg?v=1706784095)
![PLAY: PPLUS | G Spot u P Spot Bar.](http://www.bedgeek.co/cdn/shop/files/steelstick__take_7_00000_{width}x.jpg?v=1706784091)
![PLAY: PPLUS | G Spot u P Spot Bar.](http://www.bedgeek.co/cdn/shop/files/steelstick__take_7_00000_{width}x.jpg?v=1706784091)
![PLAY:PLUS | G Spot and P Spot Bar - bed geek](http://www.bedgeek.co/cdn/shop/files/steelstick__take_7_00000_{width}x.png?v=1706784101)
![PLAY:PLUS | G Spot and P Spot Bar - bed geek](http://www.bedgeek.co/cdn/shop/files/steelstick__take_7_00000_{width}x.png?v=1706784101)
PLAY: PPLUS | G Spot u P Spot Bar.
![PLAY:PLUS | G Spot and P Spot Bar - bed geek](http://www.bedgeek.co/cdn/shop/files/steelstick__take_7_00000_{width}x.png?v=1706784101)
Tintroduċi l-eptome ta 'divertiment lussuus - il-G-Spot u P-Spot Massager tal-metall ... Magħmulin b'mod ħieles mill-primjum, metalli sikuri tal-ġisem, Din il-kapolavur doppju tiddefinixxi mill-ġdid il-konfini tal-induzzjoni sensorjali.
L-irjus eleganti ta’ dan il-massager huma ddisinjati għal preċiżjoni, l-għoti ta’ pjaċir immirat lejn G-spot u P b’sofistikazzjoni mhux parallela. Il-wiċċ frisk, lixx tal-metall iżid dimensjoni senswali għall-esperjenza tiegħek, li toħloq kuntrast uniku sodisfaċenti kontra l-ġilda tiegħek.
Il-versatilità tissodisfa l-opulence hekk kif tesplora l-funzjonalità doppja ta 'dan il-massager eżistenti. Ppeżata perfettament u bbilanċjata b’mod espert, toffri sens ta’ kontroll għoli, tippermetti li inti tfassal mumenti intima tiegħek ma 'grazzja sforzless. Kemm jekk inti qed tfittex biss solo jew ecstasija kondiviża, il-Metal doppju-Headed G-Spot & P-Spot Massager huwa l-passaport tiegħek għal dinja ta 'pleijiet raffinati.
Dan l-aċċessorju pjaċevoli alluring huwa mhux biss testament li s-sengħa superjuri iżda wkoll żieda stunning għall-ġbir tiegħek. Is-superfiċje li mhix pożittiva, faċli biex tnaddaf tiżgura l-iġjene u d-durabilità, filwaqt li d-disinn sleek jagħmilha simbolu ta’ sofistikazzjoni.
Żieda esperjenzi intima tiegħek għal livelli bla preċedent ta 'lussu u pjaċir mal-G-Sp doppju tal-metall P-Spot Massager - fejn senswalità tissodisfa artistry. Immerse innifsek f'dinja ta' sodisfazzjon exquisite u tiddefinixxi l-essenza tal-pjaċir.
Konsenja Standard tar-Renju Unit 2-3 jiem
UK Jum li jmiss 1 ġurnata:
£ 4.99
Ordni Is-Sibt jew il-Ħadd u aħna se tgħaddi nhar it-Tnejn.
Ordni Jum li jmiss fil-Ġimgħa qabel il-11am u se jitwassal it-Tnejn.
Il-pakketti kollha huma miġbura f’ippakkjar kompletament diskret.
Jekk inti sempliċiment tbiddel il-moħħ u l-siġill ma jkunx imkisser fuq il-pakkett ta' barra inti tista 'ritorn lura lilna għal rifużjoni jew skambju sa 30 jum wara x-xiri.
Jekk is-siġill huwa miksur u l-prodott mhuwiex difettja I am few għall-finijiet tal-iġjene aħna ma nistgħux naċċettaw ritorn tal-ordni tiegħek.
Jekk is-siġill ikun imkisser u l-prodott tiegħek huwa difettuż inti tista 'tirritorna dan lura lilna għal skambju sħiħ. Il-prodotti kollha tal-geek tas-sodda huma koperti b’garanzija ta’ 12-il xahar.